FRANCIS DWOMOH MINISTRIES is committed to serve the Body of
Christ by using the Gifts of healing which God has endowed His servant
Apostle Francis Dwomoh to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.
We are committed to work with Churches to hold Healing Crusades, Healing Revivals, Healing Conferences, Healing Seminars, Healing Schools, Healing Rallies, Mobile Healing Clinics, Healing Workshops, to TRAIN, EQUIP and prepare the Body of Christ to advance the Kingdom of God wherever these Churches are located on the planet earth. Please, click any of the above listed Healing services to find out what it contains.
We are committed to work with Churches to hold Healing Crusades, Healing Revivals, Healing Conferences, Healing Seminars, Healing Schools, Healing Rallies, Mobile Healing Clinics, Healing Workshops, to TRAIN, EQUIP and prepare the Body of Christ to advance the Kingdom of God wherever these Churches are located on the planet earth. Please, click any of the above listed Healing services to find out what it contains.
You can also invite Apostle Francis Dwomoh as a special guest speaker for Conferences, Conventions, Anniversaries, Revivals, Seminars, Church Programs, Leadership Training, Bible School and Special Events.
Apostle Francis Dwomoh is waiting for your invitation to one of the services mentioned above in your Church.Your invitation will be accepted on the bases of first invited, first served. The acceptance will also depend on the will of God, timing, place and the already scheduled plan of Apostle Francis Dwomoh. Since the schedule of the servant of God is already tight, we will advice that an invitation letter should be sent one to three months ahead of an intended program date to allow the servant of God to determine whether to honor the invitation or to schedule it to another date. We are willing to come to any church regardless of size or location, solely on the availability of our schedule. We are willing to ..