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Jesus Heals outreach Ministry is designed primarily to showcase Jesus Christ as the Great Physician. That Jesus can heal the sicknesses which medical science has failed to cure. That Apostle Francis Dwomoh has been anointed by God to bring healing to the sick in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them.
Jesus Heals outreach Ministry is designed to reach millions of people who will never go to church through the internet with the gospel of Jesus Christ by using the healing ministry as means to bring lost souls to the salvation knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Through the healing Prayer Request,viewers of this website will get the opportunity to send their request for prayer wherever they may be. Prayer will be offered on their behalf by Apostle Francis Dwomoh as soon he receives the information neccessary to pray for them.
Those who will receive their healing through the prayer of Apostle Francis Dwomoh will also have the opportunity to share their healing testimonies to encourage others. Visitors to this website will also get the opportunity to learn more about the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and how God is using Apostle Francis Dwomoh in the healing ministry.
Visitors will again have the opportunity to watch video clips of the visible manifestation of the gifts of healing as the Holy Spirit demonstrates His Power to heal sick people through Apostle Francis Dwomoh
Apostle Francis Dwomoh